Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Nail Polish Of The Week!

No fancy manicure today . I was in a rush at the nail salon this week…just a basic white manicure this time!

Monday, June 6, 2011


So my best friend Brandon (B-Luv) posted something on his blog that was just so refreshing I HAD to post it on my blog....this is sooooo profound...its not deep its simple and straight to the point and I encourage everyone to read this...youll fall in LOVE with Jesus all over again

- Taylor

“Will you, _______, have _____ to be your wife/husband? Will you love her/him, comfort and keep her/him, and forsaking all others, remain true to him/her as long as you both shall live?” (“I will”) (Rings Please) “With this ring I thee wed, and all my worldly goods I thee endow. In sickness and in health, in poverty or in wealth, ’til death do us part.”
I believe we fear these words more than death at times. (LOL) “Forsaking all others”? “Remain true as long as you both shall live”? Leaving everything behind for one man/woman. Giving up a world full of men/women for one. It’s a thought that crosses the minds of anyone in a serious relationship. How long should we wait before we tie the knot? Are there requirements? Is there a certain amount of love that has to be shown? Are we ready to take this step? Am I ready? I ask these questions as I look at my relationship with the one I love. She is my heartbeat. She is my motivation. When I see her, I see my future but I also see my current. I’m not rich. I don’t have millions stashed away. I’m a senior in college with a dream but the crazy thing is she believes in me… Some would walk away but she stayed. I love her. I really do but in order to be the husband she needs me to be I have to know GOD even more.
Marriage is a Physical, Visible Manifestation of the Gospel. As believers we are the bride of Christ! Ephesians 5:22-33 Husbands LOVE your wives as Christ loved the church. How can I be a great husband for my wife? How can “WE” be the best bride for our Savior? – Relationship. I’m spending time with HIM so I can be better for HER. – Love of my Life
The first question asked about the video for “Love of my Life” was ”Is B talking about a girl?” As the song progressed and the storyline of the video went on, eventually I was talking about my wife to be but in the first verse I addressed my relationship with God. God loves marriage. He honors it. For most men (I won’t say all, but for most), our goal is to find a woman that we can spend the rest of our lives with. But here’s my question: Why gear up to spend the rest of my life with somone else when I barely know the One who loved me first? It’s very important to have relationship first with the Father and second with your companion. With that being said; “Tonight will be special made for just you and I/threw on my best tux, reservations set for 9/ Louis (Vuitton) over my eyes/let this moment begin/because while I have your time I want to be intimate/Picked out the finest roses, threw on my best cologne/left my phone at home, just so we could be left alone/the music so soft, I worship you in awe/you looked beyond my flaws and loved me inspite of… The key to relationship is honesty and honestly if you can’t be honest, your relationship is a LIE.
So in these first couple of lines, I just want to show the Lord how much I appreciate the unconditional love He has shown me. Every time I minister this song at concerts, I ask the audience where they would take God on a date if they could. The answer varies across the chairs but I always express our best could be cheescake factory or Ramen noodles but The beauty of unconditional love is no matter our condition, He is still God. Anyway, I am so honored that God took the time to be with me, so I want to return the favor. “I left my phone at home, just so we can be left alone” Really as I wrote that lyric I bit my tounge. There has been countless times when me and my “future” have went out and my eyes and fingers were glued to my phone checking Twitter, emailing my engineers and produers etc. God is a jealous God! When we are spending time with our Creator in prayer or in worship, the enemy wants to distract us. My advice: Turn the phone off and update your status “Do Not Disturb” on your social networks if you have to! It is so important to pay attention when God is giving us His attention and the same goes for when you’re with your significant other. I know I’m going to get in trouble for this but, women talk too much (lol) but honestly it’s a great thing! A man that pays attention to the detail of his woman could never break her heart. If you listen as she speaks, you will hear her desires. It’s very important to devote your time and affections while you have the chance.
The verse continues after I set the scene for the evening. I have God on this date and I’m being honest with the Lord about myself. So I look at Him and say “You looked beyond my flaws and loved me in spite of…” When I was in 7th grade, I had the all white Jordan 11′s. I loved those sneakers so much. As the school year went on, they got dirty, worn out, the sole began to turn yellow but no matter how damaged they became, I loved them. After I wore them to school, I came home, cleaned them with a rag and put them back in the box as if I just walked out the store with them. I took care of them. I adored them in spite of their imperfections. God views us the same way. He is in LOVE with us. He loves me more than I could ever comprehend. Even with all these flaws and imperfections, He sees my beauty. He sees my desire to do His will. He sees my heart. As I look at my wife to be, she views me the same. LOVE – when she finds a painting with imperfections and understands your flaws are what make the portrait beautiful. She knows I don’t have it all together. She knows I am not perfect but she loves me in spite of, the same way God does. If my dream never comes true and I can afford the mansion on the hill, I know she is with me. As you build a relationship, you have to develop a mindset of “thick and thin”. I don’t want to marry my partner. I want to marry my soul mate… So if the money goes, shes attatched to my heart and not my wallet. When TWO ambitious people become ONE they must understand that falling in LOVE with your business partner won’t make the relationship last..LOVE must be connected at the HEART.. I’m so glad I found my SOUL MATE. It would profit a man nothing to have a home with no one to share it with & success is GREATER when you can celebrate it with someone. The hardest times build the strongest LOVE. The poorest moments create the RICHEST years. Embrace every tear and support every DREAM, because the day will come where you will reflect & I don’t want to wake up in this mansion ALONE… Don’t wait until you’re rich to LOVE! Don’t wait until everything is perfect.. It never will be. I am imperfect but I am loved!
In the second verse, I say “Show me how to be a better man/at times I don’t understand/I want to do the best I can/because soon I’ll be a husband” By this time in the second verse, I have expressed how I feel about my Savior. Now I begin to ask Him for something. When we pray, we usually start off complaining about what we don’t have and then ask for what we want. Who wants to be in a relationship where they hear complaints all the time? In a sense, “Love of my Life” is a prayer. I start off by giving thanks and then I ask for something, but it’s not materialistic. I am asking for guidance. With the right guidance and hard work, we can get what we want. I want to be a better man, because soon I’ll be a husband. The truth is that women who desire to be wives have to have a relationship with God. Ladies: The greatest LOVE shown to you, died for you to LOVE again. So before you can accept any form of love, understand what TRUE LOVE is! You should be so LOST in GOD that men have to SEEK HIM to find you! So Father – “Show me how to be a better man. At times I don’t understand. I want to do the best I can, because SOON I’ll be a husband” Love HIM more than you love him. Thats LOVE! – Love of my Life…
So am I ready? I believe so, but I do know there’s a lot more room for growth… Thank God I’m still growing!
I’m in love with a God who’s in love with me , I’m emotional because he loves me compassionately . And this is how relationships should be: daily growing more and more in L O V E…..

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Unfortunately, within the black community, there has always been an oftentimes unspoken division between women of color. With its roots in the days of slavery, skin color was used to separate and determine one’s perks and advantages within the black community. Sadly this “house” versus “field Negro” mentality has been internalized by our beautiful queens of today.

In an upcoming documentary entitled Dark Girls, it explores “the deep-seated biases and attitudes about skin color–particularly dark skinned women, outside of and within the Black American culture.” The Bill Duke and D. Channsin Berry-directed film is set to be released in Fall/Winter 2011.

Do you think we’ll ever evolve from this light vs. dark skinned mentality?

Dark Girls: Preview from Bradinn French on Vimeo.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Thought of The Day

~ If you know what you want, you will recognize it when you see it

When we convince ourselves that we cant find the right mate, we try to make the one we have into the one we want. And that NEVER works!!!....If we are not honest with ourselves about who he/she is, we end up disillusioned and disappointed. it is not their fault, its our own. We must be clear about what we want from a relationship...and never "just get someone" because their around or their available...I encourage both men and women to get exactly what they want. It is not our job to change the other person. If we buy a pair of shoes and they do not fit, should we wear them and suffer or take them back to the store?

Who I want is important enough for me to wait for.

Taylor Elise

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Clip On Cool

Detachable collars. Yep, they are literally how they sound: a collar, with no shirt attached. They are a genius component for layering and a lovely new genre of jewellery. At first the concept sounds a bit daft, but you’ll warm up to it. Honest

What I Wore Today!!!

Well they aren't blue, but they're definitely suede. Say hello to the newest addition to my wardrobe--the Sam Edelman Valin wedge. I first spotted these a couple weeks back and immediately fell in love, lucky for me I caught them on sale! There's something about buying shoes on sale that makes them all the more enjoyable. They make my legs look long and amazing and give me the much needed height to my barely 5'6 stature. Other than that I have a whooooole lot going on with the album and the new book!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Nicholas Kirkwood x Keith Haring Shoes

Popular shoe designer Nicholas Kirkwood opened a boutique showcasing a collection of one-off couture shoes dedicated to famed 80′s pop artist, Keith Haring. The bold colored shoes are dazzled with Swarovski crystals and range from lucite-heeled pumps advocating safe sex to a pair of blue and black thigh-high roller blades

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Quick Finds!!!!

So this is one of many of my shopping escapades....I found this little spot in midtown and you KNOW I had to purchase something....hope you like :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


So when I go on my shopping escapades I find some unsual things so this time i found this crazy ring. And i Just had to get it :)