Friday, November 5, 2010

# From The Mind of Taylor

I’ve come across young ladies who were very pretty on the outside but had some of the nastiest attitudes. That’s not beauty. However there is an old saying that I’m sure everyone knows and it capture its meaning perfectly: “ Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." And I totally agree with that statement because you, and only you, have the power to believe in your inner beauty, and no one else can really rescue you from what you're dealing with until you believe. Some days it seems Botox, hair extensions, a personal trainer, plastic surgery, a new set of clothes and miracle makeup would be easier avenues to the path of beauty. But it is an endless battle: it’s the world’s way of chasing an “unfading” physical beauty that is unattainable anyway. While I’m not against looking our best — in fact I’m all for it — sometimes focusing on the physical is a serious distraction from dealing with the woman within.

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