Tuesday, December 14, 2010

# From The Mind of Taylor

Recently I asked some of my good friends to name the traits of a truly beautiful woman. They answered with words like peace, joy, patience, faithfulness, compassion, love, unselfishness, kindness. We all know women who have a beauty like this; I know I do. My mom, my grandmother, my aunties - there is a sparkle in their eyes that speak of a deep joy, a deep peace. They overflow with the kind of unselfish love that draws me to them. They may not look like a Revlon model, but they have a beauty that lasts. By knowing them, my whole perception has changed and I’m inspired everyday.

Ladies, you have to realize that sooner or later the outward appearance is eventually going to change as you get older - life is so much bigger than some of the small things we get caught up in on a day to day basis, so think about the kind of woman you want to be in the world, verses how you want to look today. It would be a tragedy to get to the end of your life and say, “I spent so much time being worried about what I look like and what people thought of me,” that I didn’t realize how I really felt on the inside. You need to claim it for yourself and once you do that, you set the tone for moving forward in your life.

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